Shreya Bhattacharya

Shreya Bhattacharya

Bollywood Magic

katrina handloom baragaon handmade saree

The big screen has always been aspirational to us all. Haven’t we all romanced in the clouds and rains? winced at the hurt of our heroes? bought the likes of that lovely dress that they wore? Films and theatre have…

The Last few Shuttles

Our weavers back in Kashmir have been hoarding these shuttles. It’s a sad story why. It takes special skill and precision to make these shuttles that can pass between the intricate Pashmina threads without entanglement. The making of the shuttle…

Designers Delight

The design process is difficult, when a designer’s imagination runs free and execution is bound by limitations. The limitations are further enhanced, when one decides to make the processes traditional and handmade. We are forever in awe of Designers who…