Godana, or tattoos were used in the past for health purposes, like a form of acupuncture, to help cure or in some cases prevent diseases. They were differently used in different phases of a persons life, like adolescence, pregnancy, child birth, and while nursing. Each of the motifs has a symbolism dating to thousands of years. However, their significance in daily community life is waning with modernisation.
The tattoo artists used to travel from village to village making different styles of Godana on the bodies of the villagers. There was little concept of jewellery, and women decorated their bodies with different kinds of Godana by Nattins. Even today one can see elaborate Godana on the body of old ladies in this area.
Godana painting, inspired by nature emerged from the Godana (tattoo) making art of Nattins (women of gypsy tribe). Women practiced this art form art forms for ritual purposes and also for the decoration of their huts. Godana painting has been a hallmark of Chhattisgarh culture. There are several types of Traditional motifs like Karela shaani godna, Kalash, Phoolwari, Karuna phool, Bichoo, Chhati, Saathi and Machi mudi.
We developed a range of sarees, hand painted with these traditional motifs by the tribal artists of Chattishgarh.
Size : Length is 5.5 m, width of 44 inches.
100% Pure Cotton, Handloom.
Wash Care:
Dry Clean / Gentle Hand Wash
Donot dip for long hours
Dry in shade, away from direct sunlight